The Benefits Of Investing In A Single Girder Overhead Crane For Your Business

Investing in an overhead crane can increase the production capacity of your business. A crane can help you to run your business efficiently. There are various factors that you need to consider when investing in an overhead crane including your total budget, lift capacity requirements, lift height requirements, and facility requirements.

single girder crane
Single Girder 3 Ton Overhead Crane for Sale

The single girder overhead crane is one of the most popular cranes. This is because of its cost-effectiveness and simplicity. You can choose to invest in a single girder overhead crane to meet your business needs.

This crane is designed using a single bridge that transverses across two crane runaways. Its hoist moves horizontally from one point to another along the bridge. A single girder overhead crane can have underhung or top-running trollies.

Single girder overhead cranes are often misconceived as flimsy. These cranes are viewed as of less quality compared to double girder cranes. This is far from the truth. A single girder overhead crane that’s properly designed can serve all your business needs. It is the ideal crane if your business requires light to medium duty crane.

If you want to save on costs while getting the best out of your crane, a single girder overhead crane is the perfect solution. It is the most ideal crane for lifting goods in various industries.

single girder crane
Single Girder Crane for Sale

A single girder overhead crane is less expensive compared to a double girder crane. Fewer freight costs are involved in the transportation of this crane. The materials that are used to manufacture this crane aren’t as much as those required to make other types of cranes. This makes it a less costly investment for your business.

This crane is designed to be compact and lightweight. It doesn’t use as much material as a double girder crane. Still, you have less dead weight since you only have a single bridge beam.

The installation process of this crane is also relatively faster. Still, servicing and maintaining a single girder overhead crane is easier. In the long run, this can save your business any unnecessary expenses.

A single girder overhead crane is a perfect investment if you operate production and manufacturing facilities. It is an excellent solution for your warehouse or workshop. This crane can help you to move heavy items around. You need not worry if your facility has low headroom. This crane can operate effectively under such conditions.

The design of this crane is suited for light to medium loads. It can carry such capacities with ease all around your yard. Lighter load translates to less wear over time. Your crane’s end truck wheels and beams don’t face immense force and friction. This minimizes the risk of wear and tear.

Different overhead cranes are designed to meet different needs. Different applications can be executed by these cranes. You need to choose the right crane for your business.

A single girder overhead crane can be very efficient in moving light to medium loads. Even more, this crane is cost-effective. It costs less than other types of overhead cranes. Even more, it can perform a great job at moving your heavy items.