Choosing The Right Concrete Block Molding Machine

A concrete block molding machine is widely used for producing many different types of bricks and blocks. A typical modern day machine can be used to produce regular bricks, interlocking blocks, and a variety of other patterns including hollow blocks. Needless to say, there is huge demand for such machines and the market has responded to this increase in demand but not all the machines selling in the market are up to the mark. Therefore, you can’t buy a machine with your eyes closed and expect to operate a profitable business. Here are some of the important things that should be considered to choose a high quality concrete block molding machine.

ABM-4S block molding machine
ABM-4S block molding machine


One of the most important things you should look at is the capacity of the machine. The capacity of these machines is typically defined in terms of numbers of units that can be produced in an hour. Since these machines are capable of producing different types of blocks and bricks, the capacity will also depend on the kind of brick or block you want to make. While some machines are capable of producing only a few hundred blocks per hour but if you desire, you can also buy machines capable of producing thousands of blocks each hour. The choice of capacity will depend on the demand for concrete blocks and other kinds of bricks in your market.

Should Work in Your Country

The machine should be capable of working in your country depending on the voltage prevalent in your location. While adapters are easily available to run such machines but it’s better to ask manufacturers whether they are willing to tailor the machine to your country.

Ease of Operation

Needless to say, the machine should be easy to operate and shouldn’t require too many people to operate. After all, you do not want to end up in a situation where you have to hire a lot of people to run the machine as that operation will be highly inefficient and lose money. So, pay attention to the automation of the brick production system to make sure the whole setup is highly automated and requires minimal labor.

ABM-4SE block moulding machine
ABM-4SE block moulding machine


These machines are available in a wide price range depending on the capacity, quality of materials used for making machine, reputation of the company, design of the machine, automation level and a few other things. While pricing is important, it is recommended to never choose a machine only because it’s cheaper as compared to the other options. Always look at the long-term value you can get from the machine in terms of its service life, maintenance requirements, production capacity and efficiency. Don’t just compare the initial cost in order to decide the machine you want to buy.


Overall, a concrete block molding machine is available at affordable prices these days and if you’re in the business of producing bricks or blocks, your business will benefit by investing in such a machine. However, there are hundreds of manufacturers selling these brick molding machines in a wide range of capacities and prices, and therefore, it is important for you to keep the above mentioned tips in mind when buying this machine to get the most value for your money.