5 Purposes of Using a Chinese Self Loading Concrete Mixer

A China self loading concrete mixer is an essential part of a construction company these days as it can mix and transport concrete. These mixers have a number of advantages over traditional concrete mixing methods. They are faster, more efficient, and easier to operate. In addition, they can be used in a variety of settings, including on rough terrain. Here are a few more purposes that these concrete mixers can serve:

5 Purposes of Using a Chinese Self Loading Concrete Mixer
Self Loading Concrete Mixer For Sale

1. Loading

Self-loading concrete mixers (бетономешалки с самозагрузкой) are equipped with a special articulated hydraulic shovel that allows for quick and precise loading of raw materials. This prevents the wasting of raw materials, which can save time and money. They also come with a variety of safety features, such as an emergency stop button, to ensure the safety of operators and bystanders.

2. Mixing

The mixing process begins when the aggregate and cement are fed into the mixing drum. From there, they are combined by the water tank’s automatic pressurized water flow. The mixer consists of twin screw blades that guarantee the accuracy of the mixing process, ensuring that the concrete is properly mixed and ready for use. Once the concrete is mixed, it can be transported to the job site and poured into forms to create a variety of structures.

3. Transportation

A 4WD hydraulic transmission system is a versatile and powerful tool in a China elf-loading concrete mixer (самозагружающийся бетоносмеситель) that can be used for transportation in any number of settings. It has enough power to handle even the heaviest loads, while still being able to maneuver easily in tight spaces. Additionally, a good four-wheel drive system is easy to maintain, so you can keep your equipment running smoothly for years to come.

Self Loading Concrete Mixer For Sale
China Self Loading Concrete Mixer For Sale

4. Discharging

This mixer usually dumps concrete in four 270-degree circles with a discharge height of approximately 2 meters. This makes it easy to pour concrete into different areas without having to move the mixer around. Moreover, the self-loading concrete mixer is also equipped with a water pump, that allows water to be easily added to the mix. This feature is especially helpful when working in extremely hot weather conditions. Learn more: https://aimixmachinery.uz/kupit-avtobetonosmesitel-s-samozagruzkoy-kitay/.

5. Defense

The self-loading concrete mixer is a great innovation for construction companies and drivers alike. The anti-falling and anti-rolling obstacle defence scheme increases the safety and security for drivers in various challenging road conditions. This system detects obstacles in the path of the mixer and automatically adjusts the mixer’s trajectory to avoid them. It not only prevents accidents, but also saves time and money by preventing delays due to damaged equipment. In addition, the self-loading concrete mixer is also equipped with a GPS system that helps drivers navigate to their destination safely and efficiently.

A self-loading concrete mixer is a great investment for any construction company. They are versatile machines that can save you time and money on every job, thus allowing you to increase and maximize your profit. If you are in the market for a new concrete mixer, be sure to consider a Chinese self-loader model. The company AIMIX in China is a good choice.
